Finalmente temos os indicados ao Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards 2022, também conhecido como o Oscar dos quadrinhos!
E para a surpresa de ninguém, a DC Comics domina e segue sendo a editora com mais indicações, com 15 no total em obras originais e 7 em obras compartilhadas.

Asa Noturna de Tom Taylor domina a edição da premiação sendo a obra com mais indicações do ano, garantindo 5 chances de levar um prêmio para casa. Outras produções da DC também figuram entre os indicados, com destaque para Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow e Superman Red & Blue em demais categorias, confira:
Best Short Story
“Funeral in Foam,” by Casey Gilly and Raina Telgemeier, in You Died: An Anthology of the Afterlife (Iron Circus)
“Generations,” by Daniel Warren Johnson, in Superman: Red & Blue #5 (DC)
“I Wanna Be a Slob,” by Michael Kamison and Steven Arnold, in Too Tough to Die (Birdcage Bottom Books)
“Tap, Tap, Tap,” by Larry O’Neil and Jorge Fornés, in Green Arrow 80th Anniversary (DC)
“Trickster, Traitor, Dummy, Doll,” by Triple Dream (Mel Hilario, Katie Longua, and Lauren Davis), in The Nib Vol 9: Secrets (The Nib)Best Single Issue/One-Shot (must be able to stand alone)
Marvel’s Voices: Identity #1, edited by Darren Shan (Marvel)
Mouse Guard: The Owlhen Caregiver and Other Tales, by David Petersen (BOOM!/Archaia)
Nightwing #87: “Get Grayson,” by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC)
Wolvendaughter, by Ver (Quindrie Press)
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons, by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Phil Jimenez (DC)Best Continuing Series
Bitter Root, by David F. Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Greene (Image)
The Department of Truth, by James Tynion IV and Martin Simmonds (Image)
Immortal Hulk, by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, et al. (Marvel)
Nightwing, by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo (DC)
Something Is Killing the Children, by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera (BOOM! Studios)
Best Limited Series
Beta Ray Bill: Argent Star, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Marvel)
The Good Asian, by Pornsak Pichetshote and Alexandre Tefenkgi (Image)
Hocus Pocus, by Rik Worth and Jordan Collver
The Many Deaths of Laila Starr, by Ram V and Filipe Andrade (BOOM! Studios)
Stray Dogs, by Tony Fleecs and Trish Forstner (Image)
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, by Tom King and Bilquis Evely (DC)Best New Series
- The Human Target, by Tom King and Greg Smallwood (DC)
The Nice House on the Lake, by James Tynion IV and Álvaro Martínez Bueno (DC Black Label)
Not All Robots, by Mark Russell and Mike Deodato Jr. (AWA Upshot)
Radiant Black, by Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa (Image)
Ultramega, by James Harren (Image Skybound) Best Anthology
Flash Forward: An Illustrated Guide to Possible (And Not So Possible) Tomorrows, by Rose Eveleth and various, edited by Laura Dozier (Abrams ComicArts)
My Only Child, by Wang Ning and various, edited by Wang Saili, translation by Emma Massara (LICAF/Fanfare Presents)
The Silver Coin, by Michael Walsh and various (Image)
Superman: Red & Blue, edited by Jamie S. Rich, Brittany Holzherr, and Diegs Lopez (DC)
You Died: An Anthology of the Afterlife, edited by Kel McDonald and Andrea Purcell (Iron Circus)Best Writer
Ed Brubaker, Destroy All Monsters, Friend of the Devil (Image)
Kelly Sue DeConnick, Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons Book One (DC)
Filipe Melo, Ballad for Sophie (Top Shelf)
Ram V, The Many Deaths of Laila Starr (BOOM! Studios); The Swamp Thing (DC); Carnage: Black, White & Blood, Venom (Marvel)
James Tynion IV, House of Slaughter, Something Is Killing the Children, Wynd (BOOM! Studios); The Nice House on the Lake, The Joker, Batman, DC Pride 2021 (DC); The Department of Truth (Image); Blue Book, Razorblades (Tiny Onion Studios)Indicado ao Will Eisner 2022 Best Writer/Artist
Alison Bechdel, The Secret to Superhuman Strength (Mariner Books)
Junji Ito, Deserter: Junji Ito Story Collection, Lovesickness: Junji Ito Story Collection, Sensor (VIZ Media)
Daniel Warren Johnson, Superman: Red & Blue (DC); Beta Ray Bill (Marvel)
Will McPhail, In: A Graphic Novel (Mariner Books)
Barry Windsor-Smith, Monsters (Fantagraphics)Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Filipe Andrade, The Many Deaths of Laila Starr (BOOM! Studios)
Phil Jimenez, Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons (DC)
Bruno Redondo, Nightwing (DC)
Esad Ribic, Eternals (Marvel)
Craig Russell, Norse Mythology (Dark Horse)Best Cover Artist
Jen Bartel, Future State Immortal Wonder Woman #1 & 2, Wonder Woman Black & Gold #1, Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary (DC); Women’s History Month variant covers (Marvel)
David Mack, Norse Mythology (Dark Horse)
Bruno Redondo, Nightwing (DC)
Alex Ross, Black Panther, Captain America, Captain America/Iron Man #2, Immortal Hulk, Iron Man, The U.S. of The Marvels (Marvel)
Julian Totino Tedesco, Just Beyond: Monstrosity (BOOM!/KaBoom!); Dune: House Atreides (BOOM! Studios); Action Comics (DC); The Walking Dead Deluxe (Image Skybound)
Yoshi Yoshitani, I Am Not Starfire (DC); The Blue Flame, Giga, Witchblood (Vault)Best Lettering
Wes Abbott, Future State, Nightwing, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman Black & Gold (DC)
Clayton Cowles, The Amazons, Batman, Batman/Catwoman, Strange Adventures, Wonder Woman Historia (DC); Adventureman (Image); Daredevil, Eternals, King in Black, Strange Academy, Venom, X-Men Hickman, X-Men Duggan (Marvel)
Crank!, Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters, The Tea Dragon Tapestry (Oni); Money Shot (Vault)
Ed Dukeshire, Once & Future, Seven Secrets (BOOM Studios)
Barry Windsor-Smith, Monsters (Fantagraphics)
A premiação e a revelação dos vencedores acontece durante a edição de 2022 da Comic Con, em San Diego, no dia 22 de julho.
Via: [ComicBook].